Ash Wednesday
Well, if it's Ash Wednesday, that means last night was - yup - Mardi Gras!
Last year, Kallisti and I spent Mardi Gras in New Orleans with Melusine and the Marquis. This year, we made do with bringing our own beads (leftover from what we dragged back to SF with us last year) to Zeitgeist.
Beer & Beads.

Oh! Must mention: Two laudable people indulged me in my beverage fund a few days back -- the very first ones. (I would name them in gaudy recognition, but I didn't inquire as to whether they might wish to be publically thanked ... so, shouldn't name 'em 'til I do so inquire). But ... just wanted to show proof that they bought me a drink! My gratitude overfloweth like the beads, the beads, the beads .....

And, lastly, here's a half-cloaked Kallisti and a pitcher of Mardi Gras bounty.

Happy Mardi Gras! Welcome to Ash Wednesday.
Need more coffee? Of course, you do.
Just stumbled across this spiffy article on the history of coffee:
Coffee a Historic Drink