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 2005-06-14 18:07:59   Jeannette
I'm curious why the bob is considered such an extreme cut for women, though other short haircuts, even heads that are practically shaved, aren't considered such a big deal? I think bobs are adorable. :)
 2005-06-14 18:57:21   red_bougainvillea
I agree. I certainly don't consider a bob extreme. In fact, I consider it a conservative haircut that is perfect for the business environment. I like it because it's softer than a really short cut, but still sophisticated. It's also flattering on many face types.
 2005-06-16 02:06:18   Lonewolf
I think that it's really boring to ses that almost every woman with a bob there is, is in her fifties och elder. It's such a great hairstyle for younger women. I really hope that shorter hairstyle gets popular again, especially bobs.
 2005-08-10 13:56:34   endO
State-of-the-art within any age group!
 2005-08-18 18:16:59   verybadkitty
It's a haircut that can be dramatic and subtle at the same time.
 2005-09-01 00:38:52   

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