We are currently doing some upgrades and repairs.
Please forgive any technical difficulties.

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The most recent messages appear at the bottom of this list.

 2005-06-05 14:12:21   Laszlo
The Bob Haircut Email Discussion List is now ready for people to try out! Please feel free to use it.

For the time being, it will only accept emails with text/plain content. Non-plain-text attachments will vanish into the ether. This includes HTML emails. Please send text/plain emails, or your email might not go through to the rest of the list.

Please, please tell me if you have any problems with it! It's brand new, 100% custom-coded, so anything's possible. I don't have a team of beta testers available to help iron out any problems, so I'm afraid you'll have to help me out with any problem reports you can provide.
 2005-06-07 02:38:36   Laszlo
It seems that in the act of officially turning on the new list software I broke it. It's fixed now and should be working. We'll see.

My apologies for the goof.

Please become a member so you can join in the discussion!
It's free. Bob Haircut Worshippers Welcome!!