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2005-05-31 00:41:12 moonlight |
I want to get my hair cut in to a lip length bob I'd like to get it angled/wegded in the back so that is does't stick to my neck when wet. my hair wavy. does people think this whould look good? What instrucons should I give my stylest
2005-06-02 00:23:40 don1967 |
if i was you i would tell them to wegded it up half way up the back and thin angled to the front .My wife just had hers done that way and it looks greate that way. she told them to make it easy to take care of and that what they did. they allso shaved the first 2''
that feals greate. please send me photos of it when you get it done
2005-06-02 02:11:30 moonlight |
I got it cut today its lip length in front slightly shoter in back. I may go shorter next time thanks for the tip.
2005-06-02 23:21:44 don1967 |
Greate how do you like it? do you have any pic of it yet? if you do can you send me a pic of it? would like to see it!!!!!
2005-06-04 00:30:13 moonlight |
I like it I don't have a a pic yet
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