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 2005-02-01 22:25:42   Bill
I had occasion to encounter an very attractive woman yesterday at a local food store. One of the reasons I found her attractive was her sleek just below jaw length bob. She was also wearing a short leather jacket, snug black pants and boots. All together a very sexy package. I chose my words carefully and complimented her on her hair and she seemed pleased.

Perhaps if more of us would take these opportunities we might see more bobs to appreciate.

 2006-10-12 14:07:38   jnww
I couldn`t agree more.
 2007-07-17 11:19:16   Newton
I agree too. I have thought about doing that.
 2008-01-16 10:52:51   nils
That's right ! If it is well lit, bustling with people , in a mall ... Then you can give the compliment or a cop car could catch up with you like a buddy of mine at work!!! (lol)

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