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2008-05-07 16:39:53 bobbowl |
Hi I an looking for someone to cut my sholder lenght hair into a nice short bob style with a nice fringe that is short adn to shave my hair into a wedge high at the back.. Or even a nice bowl shaved clean around teh locks and back of the neck. I am looking for some stylist in the London area to cut my hair
2008-05-07 23:11:54 lookn4abuck |
Your a brave lady! Have you done this style before?
2008-05-12 19:45:49 bobbowl |
Hi what part of Endland are you from and can you do this style for me in London durning the summer.
2009-05-09 16:26:51 invertbobuk |
Hi yes i would cut your hair if you could cut mine short male bob? London no problem
2009-06-04 12:17:24 invertbobuk |
Hi I used to work London Bridge now just travel in now and then to socialise of go for city walks. if you fancy meeting up to discuss its lawrence.miller o2.co.uk
2009-08-06 08:43:47 Fringecuts |
Hello, I am in London and woould love to bob you.
I am also an expert at cutting fringe. Please message me back to chat more.
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