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 2008-03-02 17:01:43   scuba2677
I have never really been a big fan of short hair. Except for bobs! I think they are absolutlely amazing. Well, my wife grew her hair out long for our wedding, then went and got it cut short. She calls it a bob with layers in the back. basically it's just short hair that's poofy in the back because it's not all one layer. I would love if she got an actual bob (even if it's one of those short all one length in the back) bobs! But how do I present this to her? Her new style I'm not really crazy about (I even told her that) but now she just thinks I hate short hair. Please help and post if you have any ideas.

 2008-03-02 19:22:17   PBLBill
First, you can't get what you want if you don't ask, so ask. Let her know that it's something that would really please you and then let her know that she can always ask if you can do something for her that she would like.

Good luck.
 2008-04-14 14:04:53   nils
That's why prostitution is legal in Nevada Chris! You need to get it your way with a little leverage!!!
 2008-04-14 14:15:05   nils
How about a second honey moon to Nevada ???

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