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 2007-02-27 23:27:31   elleswanson
I recently just grew out my bowl cut and then got my hair cut just in a plain "little boy" short hairstyle. I can't decide if I should grow it out and get an ear length bob or if I should do some extreme hairstyle for fun(like a shaved bob or something) what do you guys think?

 2007-03-05 17:56:38   seadude
ear length bob, i used to have a GF that would have me cut her hair into little boy cuts she was very into Hemmingways "Garden of Eden" but i really liked the ear length bob on her it made her very hot...Although it was fun to cut her hair with clippers it took alot more skill then I had at the time.
 2007-03-16 17:52:41   mod
Go for the shaved bob, it will look really sexy nice and short.
 2007-06-18 07:28:55   tim
Hi, I agree a nice short shaved bob MMMMMMMM !

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