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 2006-12-06 19:15:50   bowlcut
Hi, I'm new to this fantastic forum :)
I'm a male, 22 years old, and I would try a bowl cut a little over the ears (under & the bottom buzzed), with parting in the middle, all combed with gel... What do you think about it?
 2006-12-19 18:18:04   elleswanson
i would say go for it. i am a girl and i just got my hair cut in a bowl cut. i love it. i couldnt imagine having long hair (my hair has never been below my ears) even as a young child my dad kept my hair cut in bowl cuts and buzz cuts. when i was 14 some of my guy friends shaved pieces of my hair as a joke so i ended up having my head shaved bald. good thing it was summer then. im actually going to buzz my hair off once it gets a little warmer and keep it buzzed until winter time again.
 2007-01-12 18:42:58   buzzedgirl
hi there

i tried an over the ear bowl cut with with shaved smooth nape and sides. it was interesting but i grew bored with it quickly .

good luck

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