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 2006-08-09 14:47:15   charlene
Is anyone managing this site? I uploades my bob hair dos and I can't find them. Are there any photos of the styling process for Bobs? rollers, curling irons? I am a hairdresser anyone need help call me.

Charlene Marie
 2006-08-15 04:24:50   yasfh
Hi Charlene, take a look at http://www.yasfh.de. Contributors for bob hair pictures are needed. Please feel free to send bob hairdos to yasfhgmx.de and they will be published on the bob gallery of Yet Another Sit For Hairlovers
 2006-08-15 04:37:18   Dave_S
Hi Charlene! I also uploaded pics and couldnĀ“t find them quite a while, but a few months later they appeared on the site - but not with all information i gave with them. So i think the webmasters of this (anyway great) page are quite busy or seldom around... Cheers :-)
 2006-08-19 14:51:52   Laszlo
Sorry about the delay, Charlene. There was that little issue of having no income and needed to find a job...you know, so the Bob Haircut Web page bills could be paid. This job search, and now the transition into my new job, have taken all my time for quite some time now.

By day I am a Software Engineer. And by 'day' I mean all my waking hours.

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