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 2006-05-23 10:54:09   
I'm a girl from Holland and I am a really bob lover. I like to talk with other girls/boys about this haircut.
If you also like this, we can shear our intrest!
 2006-05-24 08:42:59   
Hi Claire, i'm Tom from France. Have u got msn ? we can speak together about bob haircuts ... & share our pics ...
 2006-05-24 13:21:36   
Hi Tom. Sorry I don't have msn. How nice that a man like the bob haircut. 10 Years ago, I was a girls with long hair. Than I moved and decide that is was time for a makeover. That was the beginning of my love for the bob. Now 10 years later I still have a bob, and i still love it!
I try to convince other girls to cut a bob and 2 colleaques did it, they look fantastic. So the wirld looks much better!
 2006-05-24 19:33:51   
Lol very good ...!!! and have you got any pics of your own bob ?
for me i love it since a few years & i don't know why but i find this cut very sexy. it makes the women so beautiful and so "fatal"...
My e-mail is Halflighthotmail.fr if u want to have this discussion just between us !

 2006-05-30 13:06:24   conway29
Hi clare, i like the bob cut too. I have a vast amount of bob cut pics on my hard drive, would love to share pics with u if u want.
 2006-08-07 07:32:00   nicoros
Hoi Claire, Ik heb ondanks deze site gevonden en ik ben blij dat ik mijn bob obsessie met anderen kan delen. Mijn hele leven ben ik al gek op bob-kapsels
Ik vind het erg erotisch bij een vrouw en heb dan ook veel films met vrouwen met een bob-line.
 2006-08-15 04:43:06   Dave_S
Hi Claire! I donĀ“t think it is difficult to find men who like bobs.... for me its a very special thing and definitely the most erotic haircut... my girlfriend often says, that for me it seems to be some kind of fetish :-) Feel free to contact me, i would like to chat with a girl that loves bobs! my addy: mercer41hotmail.com
 2006-08-30 07:54:37   turbo99
he Claire, i'm Mark and i live just west of London. I've been a huge fan of the bob for ages now and would love to know what women like about it. e-mail me at marktaylor843yahoo.co.uk - it would be great to chat to someone about bobs!
 2006-09-06 14:45:58   conway29
Hi claire, conway again, if u want to email me, my addy is auzr21dsl.pipex.com. Feel free to email me about ur love of the bob haircut.
 2006-09-25 12:59:32   Newton
Hello bob lovers.
I am male and therefore do not have this haircut but if I was a girl I would because I totally love it. The Pageboy is my favourite. I would like to make friends with other bob lovers (male or female). My address is neilcox85yahoo.com
 2007-03-23 12:16:09   Newton
Hi Claire.
Would you you not like to make friends with me Newton?
I am a true bob lover.
I hope to hear soon.
 2007-03-27 07:19:19   
Hi everybody. I am happy that so many man like the bob. In the meantime my hair is something longer now, but I like to change, jaw line, shoulder, shaven nape, it doesn't matter!
Leuk dat er ook mensen uit NL zijn, praat altijd iets makkelijker.
 2007-07-17 11:17:40   Newton
Hi Claire it's me Newton again.
Did you want to be friends with me? I am a huge bob lover.
My E-Mail address is neilcox85yahoo.com as my real name is Neil Cox. I hope to hear soon.
 2007-07-20 12:44:41   nicoros
Hoi Claire
Deze zomer zal de de bob weer in de mode zijn dus zal ik weer met veel plezier om mij heen kijken. Ben benieuwd hoe jij deze zomer er uit zal zien.
groetjes van Nico
 2007-07-25 14:41:14   nils
Hello! Would love to chat!
 2007-07-26 00:47:27   Laszlo
Hehe! That looks like Dutch. tranexp.com translates this to English as:
Hoi Subscription right This summer will the the bob weather be in fashion thus will I weather with very many pleasure to my to watch. Have been wonder the you this summer yonder out of will see. salute with Nicotine

I'm not sure how to take the "salute with Nicotine". :)
 2007-08-08 05:33:20   nicoros
Hello Laszlo,

Let me translate mij text for you.
The bob haircut will be fashionable this summer so i will look around for it with great pleasure.I wonder how you (Claire)will look this summer.

Greetings from Nico
 2007-08-14 21:27:35   

Hallo there im on my way to grow bob and you
 2007-08-14 21:36:27   
 2007-09-05 20:29:17   
Hallo dit is hollands is ek reg mooiste taal
 2007-09-13 19:01:21   britpop_fan
hello claire!!

i'm silvana from chile, i love bob haircut too!!..
 2007-09-18 15:49:10   mohairman333
hi claire i am david from england. i used to have long hair but recently i got my girlfriend to cut my hair into a bob and i love it. she undercut my hairline at the back and buzzed my neck. it feels wonderful. it just goes into a ponytail for work but when i come home i cant wait to show off my bob.i should of had the chop years ago !!! i would like to see more men bobbing their hair.love and bobs x
 2009-12-12 09:45:48   jackmarcks

what'are the sexy male haircut?

please send me photos or video.

email jack_marcksyahoo.it



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