The most recent messages appear at the bottom of this list.
I have just split up with my boyfriend of 12 years
because he doesn't like my "Bob haircut". My bob is silvery blonde and above my chin and iverted high up at the back. I have a fringe (bangs). I may go back to dark brunette (my natural hair colour). It would be nice to meet a man who digs my bob hair cut for once! Kitty Compton x |
What's wrong with him?? The Bob is the most wonderful hair style of them all! Yours sounds especially nice! |
Well, you've certainly found the right place. I'll bet you get lots of offers. |
your ex-boyfriend must be looney!!!!!!! do you have a photo of your wonderful bobcut? |
Yes - I have a fair few photos of me on a few websites - is one such
website. I am going back to brunette as this is my natural hair colour and whilst I like being a "Silver Fox" - a brunette bob looks far more glossy! For some reason I can't post my photos from the other websites. I shall keep trying! Bill, thanks for your message - I've tried to email you a photo - I'll keep trying!. Where is everyone here from then? |
hi kitty, it was me who asked for a photo!!!
the link you submited either doesnt work or its my computer,what other websites r u on? im from the uk what about u? |
Hi Des - I'm from just outside London - in Essex.
Where are you? |
kitty you've got mail. |
Hi Marcel, I havn't received any mail from you!
Try again! I have forwarded two photos to Bill from Oregon - Bill could you purrlease put my photos up on this website? All the best. Kitty Compton x |
Have you sent us your pictures by way of the 'Donate Bobs' page? For those of you waiting for me to do an udate and post more pictures, my continual apologies! I realize I promised three months ago. I don't want to go into all my problems here. Suffice it to say I haven't abandoned the web site, I'm just 'unavailable' at the moment. |
Hi Kitty, I think ur new bob sounds great, wish I could see a pic of this great cut. If you would like to look at bob pictures then go to and join my bob club. Ok. Could you please send me a pic of your cut? |
Conway, is that the group I joined once, only to find my inbox flooded with attempts to convert me to christianity? I abhore Yahoo. I've been in three other Yahoo lists, and very frequently their servers fail to send me some of the messages people send to the list. |
Hi I will send you some pics of my bob.
This is such a fab website - who started this website? |
That would be me. :) I'm so very happy you like it. I'm such a slacker in keeping it up to date, though. That's very unfortunate. I'm sure it's very annoying to people. |
Hi Kitty
Well I for one dig it when girls/women have bobs! I LOVE IT.... tell your boyfriend that he is a dork :)there are plenty of gentlemen who love the bob....and always will |
Thanks Laszlo! On my behalf Bill is going
to forward you some photos of my bob! Please put them up on your website! I am going back to brunette in a couple of weeks and then will have a few silver streaks to compliment my grey silvery temples! (And I'm only 34 years old!). There is one photo of me with a longer bob - which I had for years and my ex boyfriend could just about put up with but now I've gone back to a short bob he has flipped his lid! I always had short bobs in my teens! More women should do it! Hello to Mars my Dutch friend! xx |
D'oh!! Oh...Yes, I DID get the Bob pictures Bill sent. Aparently I was too tunnel-visioned at the time you were asking about them to see them sitting here in my email. Oops. Well, I'd rather have too many than not enough. |
yes, more woman should do it!! ;-)
but i like them long and schort as long as the hair are cutted verry straight i really like that. i can look and play with such hair for ours. greatz the dutchman. its a pitty that there is no dutch site like this. |
hey kitty,
í was in amsterdam today for my work. but now at 18:00 i'm home greatz |
Hey Kitty mark from reading here!
Really good to find someone who appreciates a nice hairstyle instead of the surfeit of long haired ladies clooging up the clubs and pubs in Berkshire just lately! Full marks to you m'dear! Sincerely, Mark taylor |
Hello Kitty, I am Matthew and i can't believe someone would hate a bob haircut. Do you have a pictures to show if so e-mail them. |
Hey Kitty,
John from Glasgow, Scotland here! Unbelievable! Much as I love bobs on women, I would never dump someone because they had a haircut/haircolour that wasn't to my own personal taste! I would never gauge someone on something as superficial as a hairdo! come on! Chin up though Kitty! I've been dumped because women don't like MY haircut: a sort of masculine bob! there IS such a thing!...Long at the front, (chin length) and high at the back! Flexible (slick it back for interviews and client-meets etc. and gives one something to shake at nightclubs! yeah!) I just got sick of the glut of short spikey cuts that 90% of dudes seem to go for! Stuff that! Do your own thing. Sooner or later someone will appreciate you for YOU...haircut and all! John |
Checked out your pix Kitty at You are one stylish looking girl...bob and all! John |
Thanks John and Matthew - U've still got the bob - hooray!
I go to my hairdresser this Friday to get my trim! It needs more shaving up at the back! Grrrrrr. |
Hey Matthew - what is your email address so I can send photos to?? |
hi kitty,
don't forget me? how are you? i too love too recieve some pics and e-mail again. greetz marcel |
hey Kitty mark from reading here!
Any chances of some pics of yoy and your fantastic sounding bob? I'm at marktaylor843 ![]() Thanks m'dear! |
Hi kitty, i would love to see some pics of ur beautiful bob, here is my email address, auzr21![]() |
Marcel, I've lost your email address! Send me an email to
kittycompton ![]() |
you've got mail kitty,greetz mars |
Hi Kitty! A word to Your ex-boyfriend - he´s an idiot.... for me the bob haircut is a very special thing and definitely the most erotic haircut... my girlfriend often says, that for me it seems to be some kind of fetish :-) As an ex-mod that´s not really surprising isn´t it? Feel free to contact me, i would like to chat with a girl that loves bobs! my addy:
Cheers! By the way - i´m from Austria |
Hi Kitty,
Your kind of inverted bob is definately MY favorite ! Brave girl, sticking to Your guns -STAY YOURSELF, never give that up !!!! There are too many style fascist dorks, who thinks that everyone ought to look like Britnet Spears, Christina Aguillera and their superfiscial lookalike clones, don`t ever let people like that have their day ! I think YOU are GREAT -warm thoughts Nick in Scandinavia. |
Kitty, I certainly understand what you've gone through, and I may have the same situation on my hands. My boyfriend of four years told me that he'd leave me if I cut off my very long hair. He's been out of town for a few weeks, and in that time, I had 18 inches of hair cut off, getting a shoulder length bob. Just a week later, I had it cut to chin length. I've never felt better, nor have looked better. My boyfriend is due back in just a couple of days, and I really won't care if he is stupid enough to leave me over a hair cut. With such a sexy new look, I'm sure I'll have other options soon enough in the boyfriend department. |
Your hair and the colour sound amazing ! the shorter into the nape the better ! your well rid of him if he finds your hair a problem ! it sounds just perfect x |
what an amazing topic, I have finally succeded in persuading my wife to cut her midback hair to a neck length bob, I cannot wait. it is so exciting to listen to you talk of your bobs. Kitty my I see your bob, please e-mail me at lv_hair_lvr![]() |
Lots of mods here then.
"Look at sweet Julia; speeding on the late night train they're laughing at the way she dresses too smart and clean but she don't care cos sh knows she's right and she knows we're only two steps away..." Bt swt Julia had a bob. Anyway Kitty the guys here are right. Your bob looks awesome to me. |
News Alert! I have met the man of my dreams who really loves short bob haircuts. We have been been dating for 5 months and he adores my bob and me! My old boyfriend is now dust in the ground as far as I'm concerned! The Bob haircut always wins hands down! Thanks for all your concerns, comments and goodwill gestures! Luv Kitty x |
How do we get in touch with you ??? |
Invite us to your wedding ! |
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